CyberAdeptness LLC
Welcome to CyberAdeptness LLC

Therefore, we have this small library to help you grasp the concepts we leverage!





NIST 800-171:Handling Controlled Unclassified Data Summary

This provides a summary structured in an easy to read manner of NIST 800-171 publication addressing how Unclassified Data is to be handled by Gov Contractors levering 3rd Party Service Providers and/or Internal Resources.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Data Summary

This provides a summary on what is considered PII, what are the key items reviewed during an assessment process, what are the consequences for failing to protect PII data, and a general overview of how PII controls impact the security assessment process at the organization level.

ZERO Trust Architecture Summary

This document provides an overview of ZERO Trust Architecture. While there's much more than what's noted, it is by all means a high-level general level information.

Small Business Security Services Overview






Tax Consultants Overview

This presentation provides an overview of key security requirements delineated by the Internal Revenue Service(IRS) to be followed by all individuals processing tax documentation.

Real Estate Realtors Overview

This presentation provides an overview of key security requirements currently under developmet for Real Estate based businesses and what Realtors must do to comply with the upcoming requirements.

Internal Revenue Service 1075 Publication Summary

This presentation summarizes the high-level requirements set forth by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for organizations handling Federal Tax Information and Personal Identifiable Information (PII) tied to U.S. Taxes. It summarizes key aspects of the process with the exception of the control specific requirements.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)






ERM Assessment Overview

This presentation provides a high level overview on how the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Risk Management Framework (RMF) functions and the importance of an Enterprise Assessment.

ERM Tier 1: Organization Overview

This presentation provides an overview of the NIST ERM Framework Tier 1: Organization and its importance as part of an Enterprise Level Assessment.

ERM Tier 2: Mission/Business Objective Overview

This presentation provides an overview of the NIST ERM Framework Tier 2: Mission/Business Objectives and its importance as part of an Enterprise Level Assessment.

ERM Tier 3: Infomation Systems Overview

This presentation provides an overview of the NIST ERM Framework Tier 3: Information System and its importance as part of an Enterprise Level Assessment.

Security Accreditation Assessments Overview

This presentation provides an overview on how the Security Assessment Process functions and what is required prior to undergoing an assessment.

Cloud Computing






Cloud In A Nutshell

This presentation provides a high level overview of all the key items noted below with minimun details.

Cloud Overview

This presentation provides a high level overview on the history of Virtualization Technology and how it evolved into a solution for Cloud Computing.

Cloud Deployment Types

This presentation provides a high level overview of the four (4) cloud deployments strategies.

Cloud Key Players aka Actors

This presentation provides a high level overview of the typical Cloud Actors and their respective role within a cloud environment.

Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS) Model

This presentation provides an overview of the Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS) Cloud Model and some of the security concerns that the consumer and/or future service provider must consider.

Platform As A Service (PaaS) Model

This presentation provides an overview of the Platform As A Service (IaaS) Cloud Model and some of the security concerns that the consumer and/or future service provider must consider.

Software As A Service (SaaS) Model

This presentation provides an overview of the Software As A Service (IaaS) Cloud Model and some of the security concerns that the consumer and/or future service provider must consider.

Container As A Service (CaaS) Model

This presentation provides an overview of the Container As A Service (IaaS) Cloud Model and some of the security concerns that the consumer and/or future service provider must consider.







Summary of NIST CyberSecurity Framework v1.1

This presentations summarizes the NIST Cybersecurity Framework in a easy to follow format.

Summary of NIST CyberSecurity Framework v1.1 Controls Spreadsheet

This spreadsheets provides a breakdowns of the security controls required and applicable to the NIST CyberSecurity Framework v1.1

Cybersecurity Overview

This provides an overview on how ERM and Cybersecurity must be integrated to function properly as part of the BIG Picture to ensure organizations lower cyber-attacks while understanding the unique risks tied to their organization.

Defensive Security Overview

This provides an overview of the Defensive Component and the teams that commonly fall within this component as well as the associated responsibilities.

Offensive Security Overview

This provides an overview of the Offensive Component and the teams that commonly fall within this component as well as the associated responsibilities.

Penetration Testing Overview

This provides an overview of what a Penetration Test is, general guidance and the teams responsible for executing such.

Ad-Hoc Items






Foreclosure Scammers

This provides an overview of what to be on the lookout when someone tries to scam individuals going through a foreclosure process.






PDF U.S. Judiciary Branch Judicial Complaints Audit

This document provides a visual of the U.S. Judicial Complaints against judges submitted in the past 25 years [1997-2022] which are submitted to the Chief Justice in accordance with 28 U.S.C. Chapter 16: Complaints Against Judges and Judicial Discipline. These reports are made public by the U.S. Court and can be found at U.S. Court Judicial Complaints Annual Reports

PDF 28 U.S.C. Chapter 16: Complaints against Judges and Judicial Discipline Process

This document summarizes the process use to review complaints submitted against judges. This process triggers the reports analyzed on the previous document. The source for this process can be found at 28 U.S.C. Chapter 16: Complaints Against Judges and Judicial Discipline.

PDF U.S. Courts Code of Conduct and Ethics Summary.

This document summarizes the U.S. Court of Conducts judges are meant to follow. The source for the process summarized in this presentation can be found at U.S. Courts Code of Conduct for Judges. Supreme Court Judges follow a similar process, but it was modified in 2023.Their Code of Conduct can be found at U.S. Supreme Court Judges Code of Conduct.

PDF Impeachment Process.

This document summarizes General Aspects of the Impeachment process and provides an overview of the Fifteen (15) judges who have gone through the process. While the document has been finalized as best as feasible, some aspects of it may be updated at a later time.

PDF Overview on the House of Representatives Impeachment Process.

This document summarizes CRS R45769: The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives.

PDF The Committee Markup Process in the House of Representatives.

This document summarizes CRS RL30244: The Committee Markup Process in the House of Representatives. Some of the processes noted must be validated by the authors and that will take some time; however, it provides a summary along with some recommendations.

DOL 2024 FLSA Final Rule for Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Guidance  This is a DRAFT, the document has been turned into an easier to process visual document. Currently only 98 pages of the rule  have been transfer the rest are in process. The document is now open for input. It is 438 Slides as of today and will most likely be around 500 once done. It's a PDF file that I shall eventually compress, but for now is a PDF.